We like to spend time in nature, to enjoy everything it offers us, its greenery and its freshness! But how many of us know that what we eat can have a negative impact on the environment? How many of us know that the production of one kilogram of meat requires about 18,500 liters of water and 80 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2), and the cultivation of one kilogram of peas consumes 87% less water and 90% less carbon dioxide (CO2)?
Every day, people are becoming more and more aware of the impact of their behavior and choices on nature and the environment and the need for change. And, probably, the first change you think about is to opt for cycling at work or to upgrade your current car with an electric one. Good choice! But don’t forget that what you eat also has a major impact on the well-being of yourself and the planet!
In the last years, Plant-based foods have made an important contribution in preserving the natural resources, managing climate threats, reducing carbon footprints, by being inherently more environmentally sustainable.
They are becoming more popular in the diets of those looking to reduce their consumption of animal products and their own negative impact on the Planet.
The costs for food production are huge. From the earth, water, food and energy needed to produce them, to the irreversible greenhouse effect created by greenhouse gas emissions.
Choosing our products is the first step in the right direction. Proteins extracted from plants are not just a trend, but viable solutions for a better future.
Oceans cover 3 quarters of the Earth’s surface, host millions of species, and can absorb 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans. Water temperature and acidity levels are rising, marine biodiversity is dropping due to overfishing, high pollution, and climate change. By 2048 we could see completely fishless oceans.
Alternative fish products offer a more stable and predictable food chain, minimizing impact, risks, and costs. Sustainability is also a significant driver when we develop more ocean-friendly food options.
Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients, and provide us with food. Biodiversity is one of the many wonders of our world; is the key to a good life for all of us. It is within our ability to restart the world!
We believe that involvement and responsibility within the community is essential to give a very good meaning to our business.
We know that issues such as the competition for limited resources and the demographic changes affect the people and are not just going to go away. We define our psychology of sustainability and sustainable development as a primary prevention perspective that can foster wellbeing at all the different levels going from the workers to the Board of Directors, and to interorganizational processes.
The links between the Food Industry and the science, technology, logistics and management disciplines require us to make the standard-setting procedures and processes for quality and safety at both, national and international levels.
Contributing to a sustainable society development is written in our DNA. To reach our sustainability goals, we continuously develop our ambitions in dialogue with our stakeholders including customers, consumers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, and representatives of the community. But above all we aim to ensure for them powerful commitment and strong partnership.
We are proud to highlight that our governance strategy includes Employees, Business ethics and human rights.